Errant Golf Ball Issues

  • Property Damage
  • Injury or Death
  • Loss of Property Value
  • Trajectory & Variation
  • Longer Tee Shots
  • Dog Legs
  • Narrow Fairways
  • Warning Signs
  • Poor Safety Management
  • Changes to Golf Course


  • Accident Investigation
  • Trajectory Analysis
  • Safety Evaluation
  • Pre-Purchase Assessment
  • Aerial Survey
  • Site Inspection
  • Course Remedies
  • Nets & Barrier Consultation
  • Dispute Resolution

Request for Golf Ball Intrusion Probability Study for Home and Property Owners

The Golf Ball Intrusion Probability Study for Home and Property Owners is a written and illustrated report that analyzes the specific conditions of your property. It includes a professional analysis by Michael S. Johnstone AIA. The report addresses the particular Safety Envelope, Trajectory Study, Safety Cone, Risk Assessment and potential remedies to your situation. Detailed drawings are provided to help explain the conditions and understand any safety risk at the location. You must provide specific information including photos of your property and data regarding errant golf balls. We have made the process easy with simple instructions and an initial questionnaire. The architect and staff will then contact you for additional information and to answer any questions by phone.

Please read the description below prior to completing the order form and providing your payment information.

Risks from errant golf balls include property damage, serious bodily injury, and even death. Many homeowners contact us after years of golf ball intrusion into their yards, pools and decks. Broken windows, damaged siding, and dented cars are typical. The property owners are faced with thousands of dollars in annual repairs and increased insurance costs. Much worse are the accounts of near misses and serious injuries. Trauma to the head is the worst case scenario because a golf ball travels at speeds as high as 250 ft/sec. Brain injuries and blindness are the usual cases that we see going to court.

A direct strike to the head by a golf ball is physically devastating and life altering. It is also totally unpredictable to non-golfers going about their daily activities. A landscaper and roofing contractor have faced injury while merely doing their job. A child was hit while being pushed in a stroller by his mother. Children ran from a golf ball ricochetting through a day care playground. A doctor received a brain injury while reading a book. And a mother suffered a brain injury while standing by a pool. These are only a few of the many errant golf ball cases that Michael Johnstone has investigated as an expert witness.

Michael S. Johnstone, AIA, is a golf course architect and forensic architect who has guided attorneys, homeowners, golf courses in errant golf ball cases for 30 years. He is also retained as an expert witness in cases involving serious injury. The firm has completed safety evaluations and trajectory studies throughout the United States.

For questions, please contact us at